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To honor and support those with autism on the Island of Maui.

Brian's Hale

Our Mission

Our mission, core beliefs, and team.


Services and opportunities we offer. 

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Brian's Hale, Inc. 

At Brian’s Hale, Inc, adults with ASD will live in a safe, supported community. They will have an opportunity for a more independent life through hands on vocational training, and the development of social and life skills. Because of our location, residents will have access to the ocean,  hiking trails, community parks, farm animals, and much more. Brian’s Hale will grow and harvest organic fruits and vegetables. There will be an assortment of plants and flowers for making leis, creating hats and weaving decorative bowls out of palm leaves to sell at the local farmer’s market. We believe in reducing our footprints by being as self-sustaining as possible.

We also believe in giving back and there are numerous volunteering opportunities in the community for us to take advantage of, such as cleaning taro patches, caring for our reefs, counting monk seals in the fall and whales in the winter, cleaning beaches and protecting our ‘āina.







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